Printed book

Arv - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore Vol. 80 - 2024
Arne Bugge Amundsen (ed.)
Series Arv, 80
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- Published 2024
- Issn 0066-8176
- Arv, 80
- Type Hardcover
- 222 pages
- Swedish
Arne Bugge Amundsen
Haakon Hegsvold Sorlie: The Cunning Man: A MicrohistoricalAnalys is of Jacob Orm and the Economics of Magic in Trondheim, 1730-1742
Alf/Arvidsson: Coming to Terms with Dreams in the Early
Nineteenth Century
Eldar Heide: Týr and Vioarr: Equinox, Wolves and Old Norse Celestial Traditions
Anders Gustavsson: Smallpox and Vaccines in the Nineteenth Century in Sweden
Jonas Liliequist: The Swedish Menocchio or How Can One Explain the Appearance, in Two Places Separated in Time and Culture, of Similar and Parallel Cultural Forms without the Diffusion of ldeas and Historical Contacts?
Herleik Baklid: Methodological Reflections and Theoretical Perspectives on Analysing Church and Cemetery Finds
Book Reviews
Marit Ruge Bjcerke & Kyrre Kverndokk: Temporal Dimensions of Climate Change (Ingvar Svanberg)
Katarina Ek-Nilsson, Birgitta Meurling, Marianne Liliequist,
Annika Nordström: Grandmothers and Their Lives (Kerstin Gunnemark)
Sune Fahlgren, Joel Halldorf, Erik Sidenvall & Cecilia Wejryd (eds.): Religious Revival Movements and Modernity (Anders Gustavsson)
Sofia Joons Gylling: Folk Song as Identity among the Swedes of
Estonia (Gunnar Ternhag)
Ignac Halász: Pite Saami Tales ofTerror (Olle Kejonen)
Audun Kjus, Fredrik Skott, Ida Tolgensbakk & Susanne
Österlund-Pötzsch (eds.): Interplays of Ritual and Play
(Hanna Jansson)
Sven-Erik Klinkmann: Cultural Research in the Margin
(Karin Gustavsson)
Daniel Lindmark (ed.): Houses of Prayer in Northern Sweden
(Anders Gustavsson)
Christina Mattsson & Bengt af Klintberg: Merrymaking in Nineteenth-Century Stockholm (Ulrika Wolf-Knuts)
Hanne Sanders: Religious Worldview in the Seventeenth Century (Anders Gustavsson)
Daniel Sävborg (ed.): Interdisciplinary Approaches to the
Viking Age (F elix Lummer)
Daniel Sävborg & Bernt. Thorvaldsen (eds.): New Light on Oral Fonnulas? (Karl G. Johansson)
Arne Bugge Amundsen
Haakon Hegsvold Sorlie: The Cunning Man: A MicrohistoricalAnalys is of Jacob Orm and the Economics of Magic in Trondheim, 1730-1742
Alf/Arvidsson: Coming to Terms with Dreams in the Early
Nineteenth Century
Eldar Heide: Týr and Vioarr: Equinox, Wolves and Old Norse Celestial Traditions
Anders Gustavsson: Smallpox and Vaccines in the Nineteenth Century in Sweden
Jonas Liliequist: The Swedish Menocchio or How Can One Explain the Appearance, in Two Places Separated in Time and Culture, of Similar and Parallel Cultural Forms without the Diffusion of ldeas and Historical Contacts?
Herleik Baklid: Methodological Reflections and Theoretical Perspectives on Analysing Church and Cemetery Finds
Book Reviews
Marit Ruge Bjcerke & Kyrre Kverndokk: Temporal Dimensions of Climate Change (Ingvar Svanberg)
Katarina Ek-Nilsson, Birgitta Meurling, Marianne Liliequist,
Annika Nordström: Grandmothers and Their Lives (Kerstin Gunnemark)
Sune Fahlgren, Joel Halldorf, Erik Sidenvall & Cecilia Wejryd (eds.): Religious Revival Movements and Modernity (Anders Gustavsson)
Sofia Joons Gylling: Folk Song as Identity among the Swedes of
Estonia (Gunnar Ternhag)
Ignac Halász: Pite Saami Tales ofTerror (Olle Kejonen)
Audun Kjus, Fredrik Skott, Ida Tolgensbakk & Susanne
Österlund-Pötzsch (eds.): Interplays of Ritual and Play
(Hanna Jansson)
Sven-Erik Klinkmann: Cultural Research in the Margin
(Karin Gustavsson)
Daniel Lindmark (ed.): Houses of Prayer in Northern Sweden
(Anders Gustavsson)
Christina Mattsson & Bengt af Klintberg: Merrymaking in Nineteenth-Century Stockholm (Ulrika Wolf-Knuts)
Hanne Sanders: Religious Worldview in the Seventeenth Century (Anders Gustavsson)
Daniel Sävborg (ed.): Interdisciplinary Approaches to the
Viking Age (F elix Lummer)
Daniel Sävborg & Bernt. Thorvaldsen (eds.): New Light on Oral Fonnulas? (Karl G. Johansson)