Ethnologia Scandinavica 2016

Ethnologia Scandinavica 2016 – A Journal for Nordic Ethnology

Lars-Eric Jönsson (red.)

Köp 350 kr

Ethnologia Scandinavica utkommer med ett nummer per år. Den innehåller artiklar om nordisk etnologisk forskning. Där finns även en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Artiklarna är huvudsakligen avfattade på engelska, men även tyska förekommer.

Lars-Eric Jönsson: Editorial.
Lisa Wiklund: Cosmopolitan Imaginaries and Local Realitieas. The Welfare State Perceived as a Restriction and Ideal for Swedish Tech-entrepreneurs in Europe and the US.
Ida Tolgensbakk and Annie Woube: Sweden and Swedishnessfrom Migrants Afar.
Anne-Sofie Hjelmdahl: Dress and Dance. The Staging of Multiple Temporalities in an Art-Historical Setting.
Arja Tutunen: "I Am A Skirt Person". Resistance to Women's Trouser Fashion in Oral History Narratives.
Anna Rauhala: Collaborative Knitting. Experiencing Tradition and Space.
Marie Haulund Otto: Implied Meal Partners. Etnographic Accounts of Elderly Participants in a Clinical Intervention and Their Meals.
Andréa Wiszmeg: Cells in Suspense. Unboxing the Negotiations of a Large-Scale Cell Transplantation.
Jeppe Engset Høst: Changing Rural Paradigms. Rural Ethnology between State Interest and Local Activism.