Tryckt bok

- Publicerad 2013
- Issn 0066-8176
- Arv, 69 - 2013
- Typ Inbunden
- 257 sidor
- Engelska
Arv utkommer med ett nummer årligen. Tidskriften innehåller, som undertiteln anger, artiklar som behandlar folkloristiska ämnen samt en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Alla artiklar är författade på engelska.
Kanerva, Kirsi: "Eigi er sá heill, er í augun verkir." Eye Pain in Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Íslendingasögur.
Klintberg, Bengt af: Three Aetiological Tales about Birds: the Swallow, the Diver and the Hazelhen.
Fjalldal, Magnús: A Scandinavian Link to Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?
Kjœr, Bjørg: Pedagogical Learning Plans and Children with Special Needs: Transforming and Anchoring – or Maintaining and Negotiating?
Rogan, Bjarne: Sigurd Erixon on the Post-War International Scene. International Activities, European Ethnology and CIAP from 1945 to the mid 1950s.
Anttonen, Pertti: Lost in Intersemiotic Translation? The Problem of Context in Folk Narratives in the Archive.
Gunnell, Terry, Klein, Barbro, Lindow, John, Oring, Elliott, Skott, Fredrik, Tangherlini, Timothy R., Valk, Ülo & Weiss, Haim: Discussion. Why Should Folklore Students Study "Dead" Legends?
Kanerva, Kirsi: "Eigi er sá heill, er í augun verkir." Eye Pain in Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Íslendingasögur.
Klintberg, Bengt af: Three Aetiological Tales about Birds: the Swallow, the Diver and the Hazelhen.
Fjalldal, Magnús: A Scandinavian Link to Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?
Kjœr, Bjørg: Pedagogical Learning Plans and Children with Special Needs: Transforming and Anchoring – or Maintaining and Negotiating?
Rogan, Bjarne: Sigurd Erixon on the Post-War International Scene. International Activities, European Ethnology and CIAP from 1945 to the mid 1950s.
Anttonen, Pertti: Lost in Intersemiotic Translation? The Problem of Context in Folk Narratives in the Archive.
Gunnell, Terry, Klein, Barbro, Lindow, John, Oring, Elliott, Skott, Fredrik, Tangherlini, Timothy R., Valk, Ülo & Weiss, Haim: Discussion. Why Should Folklore Students Study "Dead" Legends?