Tryckt bok

- Publicerad 1998
- Issn 0066-8176
- Arv, 54 - 1998
- Typ Inbunden
- 203 sidor
- Engelska
Arv utkommer med ett nummer årligen. Tidskriften innehåller, som undertiteln anger, artiklar som behandlar folkloristiska ämnen samt en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Alla artiklar är författade på engelska.
Burke, Peter: Oral Culture and Print Culture in Renaissance Italy
Bringéus, Nils-Arvid: Lucia. Medieval Saint’s Day - Modern Festival of Light
Tangherlini, Timothy R.: Barter and Games. Economics and the Supernatural in Danish Legendry
Campion-Vincent, Véronique: The Tragic Mistake. Transformations of a Traditional Narrative
Johansen, Thomas: When Christianity Came to Denmark. Changing Attitudes Reflected in Relevant Legends
Arvidsson, Alf: The Life Story as Metaphor
Blaakilde, Anne Leonora: A Vision of Twenty-First-Century Folkloristics. Difference, Coherence, and Interpretation
Suojanen, Päivikki: Native Region Discourse as an Expression of Local and National Identity.
Liliequist, Marianne: In the Shadow of Not Without My Daughter. How Iranians in Exile Manage Identity
Lundgren, Britta: Friendship and the Negotiation of Identities
Burke, Peter: Oral Culture and Print Culture in Renaissance Italy
Bringéus, Nils-Arvid: Lucia. Medieval Saint’s Day - Modern Festival of Light
Tangherlini, Timothy R.: Barter and Games. Economics and the Supernatural in Danish Legendry
Campion-Vincent, Véronique: The Tragic Mistake. Transformations of a Traditional Narrative
Johansen, Thomas: When Christianity Came to Denmark. Changing Attitudes Reflected in Relevant Legends
Arvidsson, Alf: The Life Story as Metaphor
Blaakilde, Anne Leonora: A Vision of Twenty-First-Century Folkloristics. Difference, Coherence, and Interpretation
Suojanen, Päivikki: Native Region Discourse as an Expression of Local and National Identity.
Liliequist, Marianne: In the Shadow of Not Without My Daughter. How Iranians in Exile Manage Identity
Lundgren, Britta: Friendship and the Negotiation of Identities