Arv - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore Vol. 55 - 1999

Arv - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore Vol. 55 - 1999

Serie Arv, 55 - 1999

Köp 116 kr

  • Publicerad 1999
  • Issn 0066-8176
  • Arv, 55 - 1999
  • Typ Inbunden
  • 236 sidor
  • Engelska
Arv utkommer med ett nummer årligen. Tidskriften innehåller, som undertiteln anger, artiklar som behandlar folkloristiska ämnen samt en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Alla artiklar är författade på engelska.

Harris, Joseph: The Dossier on Byggvir, God and Hero. Cur deus homo
Lilja, Agneta: "She Was Cut Out for this Work." Ella Odstedt, Woman and Researcher
Vasenkari, Maria: A Dialogical Notion of Field Research
Børdahl, Vibeke: Chinese Storytellers on Storytelling
Bolstad Skjelbred, Ann Helene: From Legends of the Past to Timeless Stories about Man. The Changeling at All Times
Nielsen, Erik Kaas: Hopscotch Games in Denmark. A Report on Tradition and Innovation with a Brief Look at Other Scandinavian Countries
Östling, Per-Anders: Witchcraft Trials in Uppland before the Great Northern Swedish Witch Trials of 1668-1676
Ó Catháin, Séamus: Fetter and Foot. Some Links in a Chain of Celtic-Nordic Cultural Connections