Arv - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore Vol. 59 - 2003

Arv - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore Vol. 59 - 2003

Serie Arv, 59 - 2003

Köp 116 kr

  • Publicerad 2003
  • Issn 0066-8176
  • Arv, 59 - 2003
  • Typ Inbunden
  • 282 sidor
  • Engelska
Arv utkommer med ett nummer årligen. Tidskriften innehåller, som undertiteln anger, artiklar som behandlar folkloristiska ämnen samt en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Alla artiklar är författade på engelska.


Bringéus, Nils-Arvid: Jephthah and his Daughter. Images of an "Honour Killing"
Goldberg, Christine: "The Child in the Ogre's Sack" in Narrative and in Folk Belief
Gustavsson, Anders: Gravestones in Norway and Sweden considered in their symbolical perspective. Cultural differences between the two countries during the 1990s
Meurling, Birgitta: The Slim Chance of Happiness. Autobiographies Written by Anorectic Girls
O’Connor, Anne: Women and Sin in Irish Folklore: 'Petticoat Loose' as an Icon of Popular Religious Expression
Tellenbach Uttman, Magdalena: Revitalisierung von Lockrufen, und deren besonderen Form Kulning, in den nordischen Ländern
Lindmark, Daniel: Vision, Ecstacy, and Prophecy. Approaches to Popular Religion in Early Modern Sweden
Eriksen, Anne: National Pride, National Pollution. The Case of the Norwegian War Children
Conference Reports
Ohrvik, Ane: Traditional Masks and Mumming in Northern Europe
Lindmark, Daniel: Gender and Generation