Tryckt bok

- Publicerad 2014
- Issn 0066-8176
- Arv, 70 - 2014
- Typ Inbunden
- 235 sidor
- Engelska
Arv utkommer med ett nummer årligen. Tidskriften innehåller, som undertiteln anger, artiklar som behandlar folkloristiska ämnen samt en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Alla artiklar är författade på engelska.
Guðmundsdóttir, Aðalheiður & Ohrvik, Ane: Magic and Texts. An Introduction.
Tolley, Clive: The Peripheral at the Centre. The Subversive Intent of Norse Myth and Magic.
Guðmundsdóttir, Aðalheiður: The Narrative Role of Magic in the Fornaldarsögur.
Mitchell, Stephen A.: Leechbooks, Manuals, and Grimoires. On the Early History of Magical Texts in Scandinavia.
Skott, Fredrik: Passing Through as Healing and Crime. An Example from Eighteenth-century Sweden.
Ohrvik, Ane: A Hidden Magical Universe? Exploring the Secrets of Secrecy in Early Modern Manuscripts.
Stark, Laura: Magic and Witchcraft in Teir Everyday Context. Childhood Memories from the Nineteenth-century Finnish Countryside.
Raudvere, Catharina: Meeting Hardship, Illness and Malice. Valter W. Forsblom and His Documentation of Healing Practicies in Swedish-Speaking Finland 1913–1917.
Klintberg, Bengt af: Bo Almqvist, 1931–2013.
Guðmundsdóttir, Aðalheiður & Ohrvik, Ane: Magic and Texts. An Introduction.
Tolley, Clive: The Peripheral at the Centre. The Subversive Intent of Norse Myth and Magic.
Guðmundsdóttir, Aðalheiður: The Narrative Role of Magic in the Fornaldarsögur.
Mitchell, Stephen A.: Leechbooks, Manuals, and Grimoires. On the Early History of Magical Texts in Scandinavia.
Skott, Fredrik: Passing Through as Healing and Crime. An Example from Eighteenth-century Sweden.
Ohrvik, Ane: A Hidden Magical Universe? Exploring the Secrets of Secrecy in Early Modern Manuscripts.
Stark, Laura: Magic and Witchcraft in Teir Everyday Context. Childhood Memories from the Nineteenth-century Finnish Countryside.
Raudvere, Catharina: Meeting Hardship, Illness and Malice. Valter W. Forsblom and His Documentation of Healing Practicies in Swedish-Speaking Finland 1913–1917.
Klintberg, Bengt af: Bo Almqvist, 1931–2013.