Arv - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore Vol. 62 - 2006

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Arv - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore Vol. 62 - 2006

Serie Arv, 62 - 2006

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  • Publicerad 2006
  • Issn 0066-8176
  • Arv, 62 - 2006
  • Typ Inbunden
  • 214 sidor
  • Engelska
Arv utkommer med ett nummer årligen. Tidskriften innehåller, som undertiteln anger, artiklar som behandlar folkloristiska ämnen samt en omfattande recensionsavdelning. Alla artiklar är författade på engelska.

Levack, Brian P.: Themes of Recent Witchcraft Research
Eilola, Jari: Witchcraft, Women, and the Borders of Household
Sörlin, Per: Witchcraft and Causal Links: Accounts of Maleficent Witchcraft in the Göta High Court in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
Östling, Per-Anders: Blåkulla Journeys in Swedish Folklore
Hagen, Rune Blix: Female Witches and Sami Sorcerers in the Witch Trials of Arctic Norway (1593–1695)
Knutsen, Gunnar W.: The End of the Witch Hunts in Scandinavia
Nenonen, Marko: Witch Hunts in Europe: A New Geography
Toivo, Raisa Maria: Women at Stake. Interpretations of Women’s Roles in Witchcraft and Witch Hunts from the Early 20th Century to the Present